The Corporate Adventurer

Keynote Speaker, Adventurer and Author
The Corporate Adventurer
Keynote Address
Matt inspires and motivates his audience as he takes them on his unconventional journey into leadership.
He talks about the importance of accessing experiences and combining them with practical knowledge to unlock the potential in a leader. Matt knows about leadership and emphasises that academic achievement alone is not enough to create a compelling leader. Experiences, good and bad, in our journeys through life lead us to be who we are. Accessing those, in combination with academic and practical achievements, is the key to great leadership.
Matt illustrates his talk with stories from the thrilling, exciting, terrifying, mind and body challenges he undertakes. His knowledge of effective business strategies, set alongside extreme events that push physical and mental resilience to the limit, are intoxicating and especially relevant for any leader in today’s environment where misinformation is rampant, social media is overly influential, and there is a need for common sense, compassion, empathy and kindness.
Interactive Workshops
In his interactive workshops, Matt focusses on the ability of leaders to act as a catalyst for change. He emphasises that although teamwork and collaboration are vital ingredients for success, success is not possible without good leadership and effective communication.
The Atlantic row proved this without doubt. Matt’s team prepared for the challenge, learnt the ropes, understood every part of the process, contingency plans for emergencies and how to support each other, physically and mentally. A real team effort, physically tough, mentally tough, the ultimate team endurance event. The steep learning curve for Matt as the leader, was the extreme difficulty of leading his team when he was also under intense pressure to perform. Leading the team but also being part of the team. The wisdom and revelations learned on this life changing adventure, have led to greater insights into how to create extraordinary leaders.
Inspiring, Motivating and Developing Young People
His own background, rejecting academic schooling and entering the workforce at 16, can be viewed as both a cautionary tale and a very real illustration of how much young people need to be able to consider many different ways to start their adult lives in a safe and supported way.
Matt speaks to these groups in a frank and honest way, listening to their questions, empathising with the difficulties facing them and illustrating how his own journey could have gone terribly wrong, but also reassuring them that exam results won’t dictate the success or failure for their whole life, they are stepping stones to help them evaluate and develop their own journey. He emphasises the importance of empathy, compassion and kindness, to themselves and to others.
He will always adhere to the protocols required and is very conscious of the danger of making it seem that an alternative route into adulthood is easier than staying at school.
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